Capital Markets


Our capital markets and is based on representing issuers and underwriters in public equity and capital debt transactions.

Capital markets are considered a point of intersection of precise financial, legal, administrative, and technical knowledge and specialties due to their importance and impact on the economy, and this coincides with the systems’ understanding of this intersection, its development, its multiplicity and the strictness of its provisions that resulted from local and international experiences, events and facts.

ERLF has a knowledgeable team in the capital markets and is based on representing issuers and underwriters in public equity and capital debt transactions, initial and subsequent IPOs, initial rights offerings, listings in international markets, conventional and Islamic bond underwritings. In addition to providing integrated advisory services in the field of securities and providing them to issuers, underwriters, shareholders, sponsors, regulators, arrangers, lead managers, originators, dealers, trustees and others.

Companies, underwriters, and placement agents rely on us to deliver global advice and unmatched local, on-the-ground resources to support public and private equity and debt capital raising transactions.

Equity Capital Markets

IPOs of investment entities including special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs).
Ongoing reporting and compliance advice.
Other public equity transactions, pre-IPO financings, and convertible bond offerings.
Cross-border securities offerings.
Follow-on share offerings and rights offerings.
Saudi securities regulation.
IPOs across key global exchanges (ERLF, SIMAH Ratings, NASDAQ, Hong-Kong SE, ASX and various EMEA exchanges).

Debt Capital Markets and Structured Finance

High yield debt offerings.
Portfolio asset sales.
Structured and project bonds.
Collateralized loan obligations.

Ongoing reporting and compliance advice

Corporate governance.
Transparency Directive and DTRs.
Financial regulatory compliance.