
The Comprehensive Guide to Filing a Lawsuit in the Commercial Court

Filing a lawsuit in Saudi Arabia’s Commercial Court involves submitting a legal complaint for commercial issues, such as contractual disputes or corporate matters. This requires precise documentation and adherence to legal procedures.

Conditions for Filing a Commercial Lawsuit

To file a lawsuit in the Commercial Court in Saudi Arabia, certain fundamental conditions must be met to ensure the lawsuit is accepted. These conditions include:

  • Legal Eligibility: The party filing the lawsuit, whether an individual or a company, must possess the legal capacity to litigate.
  • Interest: The party must have a direct and clear interest in filing the lawsuit.
  • Legal Representation: If the lawsuit is represented by a lawyer, a certified power of attorney must be presented, proving the lawyer’s delegation to represent the party in court.
  • Lawsuit Fees: Payment of the prescribed fees for filing the lawsuit in accordance with Saudi laws.

Commercial Lawsuit Form Template

Here is a sample template for a lawsuit form that can be submitted to the Commercial Court:

Commercial Lawsuit Form Competent Commercial Court – [City or Region Name]

Plaintiff Information:

  • Name:
  • Address:
  • Phone:
  • Email:
  • Commercial Register (if applicable):

Defendant Information:

  • Name:
  • Address:
  • Phone:
  • Email:
  • Commercial Register (if applicable):

Subject of the Lawsuit: [Brief description of the nature of the commercial dispute and the events leading to the filing of the lawsuit]

Claims: [Detail the requests and compensations sought from the court]


  • [List of documents and evidence attached to support the lawsuit]

Signature of the Plaintiff or Authorized Lawyer:

  • Date:
  • Signature:

This model helps organize the lawsuit in a way that facilitates the court’s review and handling. Ensure all necessary information is included, and that the accompanying documents are complete and properly certified.

Learn how to protect your commercial interests with the best commercial lawyer at Eyad Reda Law Firm. Consult our experts for reliable legal advice.

Steps to File a Lawsuit in the Commercial Court

To file a lawsuit in the Saudi Commercial Court, follow these steps to ensure a smooth process and acceptance of the lawsuit:

  • Verify Jurisdiction: Make sure that the commercial court has jurisdiction over the type of dispute.
  • Prepare Documents: Prepare all necessary documents such as contracts, invoices, correspondences, and any evidence supporting the case.
  • Fill Out the Lawsuit Form: Use the official lawsuit form template to record the case details and requests.
  • Pay Fees: Pay the legal fees required to file the lawsuit.
  • Submit the Lawsuit: File the lawsuit electronically through the court’s online services system or by submitting it directly at the court.

Summary Lawsuits and Financial Value Thresholds

The commercial courts in Saudi Arabia handle summary lawsuits, which are characterized by their simplicity and small financial claims. These are defined by the following financial thresholds:

  • Lawsuits with claims not exceeding 100,000 Saudi Riyals.
  • Lawsuits requiring quick and simple procedures for resolution. These cases are processed through simplified procedures aimed at speeding up judgments and reducing legal costs for the parties involved.

Filing a Lawsuit Against a Sole Proprietorship

Filing a lawsuit against a sole proprietorship requires a clear understanding of the procedures and regulations related to commercial courts. When suing a sole proprietorship, consider the following:

  • Commercial Register Verification: Ensure that the business is registered and determine the legal status of the owner.
  • Document Preparation: Prepare all supporting documents for the case, such as contracts, invoices, and relevant correspondences.
  • Filing the Lawsuit: Submit the lawsuit to the competent commercial court, retaining copies of all documents.
  • Procedure Follow-up: Follow legal procedures after filing the lawsuit to ensure all steps are legally compliant.

Commercial courts play a crucial role in resolving business disputes, contributing to the stability of the commercial environment and enhancing investor confidence in the Saudi market.

Read also about the challenges and solutions related to commercial Concealment and how to handle them legally in our comprehensive analysis on Eyad Reda Law Firm‘s website.

Pre and Post-Lawsuit Procedures in the Commercial Court of Saudi Arabia

Legal Representation in Commercial Lawsuits Legal representation is essential in managing commercial lawsuits in Saudi Arabia. Parties involved in commercial lawsuits should:

  • Choose a Specialist Lawyer: Work with lawyers experienced in commercial cases to ensure the lawsuit is properly presented.
  • Official Authorization: The lawyer must have an official power of attorney from the represented party to speak and act on their behalf in court.

Pre-Lawsuit Registration, Reconciliation, and Mediation

Before filing a lawsuit in the commercial court, several steps must be taken:

  • Dispute Assessment: Analyze the case to determine the legal strategy and the feasibility of proceeding with the lawsuit.
  • Attempt Reconciliation: Saudi law encourages reconciliation as a preliminary step to dispute resolution, and the judiciary may require parties to attempt a settlement before starting judicial proceedings.
  • Mediation: If reconciliation fails, the case may be referred to mediation to try to reach an amicable solution with the help of a professional mediator.

After filing the lawsuit, regular judicial procedures follow, which may include:

  • Hearing Sessions: Attend judicial sessions where the judge hears all parties.
  • Evidence Submission: Exchange and present necessary documents and evidence to the court.
  • Judgment: A decision is issued after considering all evidence and arguments presented by the parties.

Understanding these procedures is essential to effectively handle commercial cases in Saudi courts, helping to enhance trust in the judicial system and achieve justice.

Stages of Processing a Commercial Lawsuit in Saudi Arabia Case Preparation and Review

Processing a commercial lawsuit involves several key stages from case preparation to detailed examination:

  • Filing the Lawsuit: Submit the commercial lawsuit through the court’s electronic system or in person at the registrar’s office.
  • Preliminary Examination: The lawsuit undergoes an initial check to ensure document completeness and compliance with requirements.
  • Scheduling the Session: A session date is set to review the lawsuit, and all relevant parties are notified.
  • Judicial Procedures: During the sessions, the judge listens to all parties, reviews evidence, and makes necessary decisions.

Regulations on Attendance and Absence and Urgent Requests

The rules for attendance and absence in commercial courts are precisely defined, and urgent requests are handled immediately:

Mandatory Attendance: Parties are required to attend sessions unless excused.

Representation by Lawyer: Parties may use lawyers to represent them if they cannot attend.

Absence: If a party is absent without an acceptable excuse, the judge may issue a default judgment.

Urgent Requests: Urgent requests are given priority, especially those requiring immediate judicial intervention to prevent significant harm or loss of rights.

These regulations and procedures aim to ensure the judicial process runs efficiently and effectively, enhancing the integrity and transparency of commercial courts in Saudi Arabia.

Read also about the steps to obtain a commercial register in Saudi Arabia and the legal requirements associated with this process in our guide available on Eyad Reda Law Firm‘s website.

Determining the Geographic Jurisdiction of the Commercial Court in Saudi Arabia

How is the geographic jurisdiction of the appropriate commercial court determined for filing a lawsuit? The geographic jurisdiction of the appropriate commercial court for filing a lawsuit depends on several key factors according to Saudi laws:

Location of the Company or Institution’s Registration:

The lawsuit must be filed in the commercial court within the geographic jurisdiction of the location where the company or institution being sued is registered.

Place of Contract Execution: If the lawsuit relates to a contract executed at a specific location, the lawsuit can be filed in the commercial court covering that geographical location.

Location of the Incident or Act Complained About: In cases of disputes arising from specific acts or incidents, jurisdiction belongs to the commercial court in the region where these events occurred.

Examples of Jurisdiction Determination: Lawsuit Against a Company for a Contract Dispute: If the contract was signed and executed in Riyadh, the lawsuit should be filed in the commercial court in Riyadh. Lawsuit Due to a Defect in a Purchased Product: If the product was purchased in Jeddah and the defect appeared there, the lawsuit should be filed in the commercial court in Jeddah.

Important Points for Verifying Jurisdiction: Record Verification: The party wishing to file a lawsuit should verify the commercial register of the company being sued to confirm its registration location. Legal Consultation: It is beneficial to consult a lawyer to determine the appropriate geographic jurisdiction before filing the lawsuit to avoid any delays or rejections that may arise from choosing an inappropriate court. Ensuring the correct geographic jurisdiction of the commercial court is a fundamental step to ensure smooth legal proceedings and effective handling of the commercial dispute.

The Most Common Reasons for the Rejection of a Commercial Lawsuit Form in Saudi Arabia

What are the most common reasons for the rejection of a commercial lawsuit form? When filing a commercial lawsuit in Saudi Arabia, parties may face some challenges that could lead to the rejection of the lawsuit form. Common reasons for rejection include:

Lack of Documents or Evidence: Failure to provide all necessary documents or sufficient evidence to support the claims made in the lawsuit.

Non-payment of Judicial Fees: Failure to pay the required fees for filing the lawsuit, leading to delays or rejection of the case.

Error in Determining Jurisdiction: Filing the lawsuit in a commercial court that does not have the geographical or judicial jurisdiction to hear the case.

Formal Errors in the Form: Presence of formal errors in the lawsuit form, such as not following the standard format or not being signed by the plaintiff or the authorized lawyer.

Lack of Clarity in Claims: Formulating claims in an unclear or vague manner, making it difficult for the court to understand the basis of the lawsuit or the requests made.

Failure to Provide Legal Authorization: In cases where the lawsuit is filed by a lawyer, failure to provide a correct legal power of attorney authorizing them to represent the plaintiff.

Recommendations to Avoid Rejection of the Lawsuit:

Comprehensive Review: Ensure all required documents and evidence are complete before submitting the lawsuit. Fee Verification: Ensure all judicial fees are paid to guarantee the acceptance of the lawsuit. Accuracy in Drafting: Ensure claims are articulated clearly and accurately to avoid any confusion or ambiguity. Working with a Specialist Lawyer: Collaborate with a lawyer specialized in commercial cases to ensure the lawsuit is properly presented and compliant with legal procedures. These points are pivotal to ensuring that the commercial lawsuit form is not rejected and to facilitate the judicial process efficiently.

Read also about the new professional companies law and its impacts on the business environment in Saudi Arabia in our detailed analysis available on the Eyad Reda Law Firm website.